Smart enough to know better. Too stupid to stop myself.

Thursday, November 04, 2004


Wow. I haven't blogged in forever. Now I just picked up on this today as I'm in my post election defeat manic let's get it fixed phase.

MBNA is on the list of major contributors to the Republican Party and the 2004 Bush Campaign.

The RAINBOW CARD that MARTINA NAVRATALOVA endorses for gays and lesbians is an MBNA CARD!!!!

Oy vey.
Here's proof.
From The Daily Kos.

"MBNA, the Delaware-based credit card bank, donated nearly a quarter of a million dollars to the Bush campaign last time around, more than any other company (I have seen other reports placing MBNA at #2 behind Enron.)

CEO Charles Cawley is one of Bush's notorious Pioneers.

With the help of Google, you should be able to find plenty more reasons why MBNA is not a company that deserves the support of progressives and other Bush opponents.

The reason for this post is that MBNA is the #1 private issuer of credit cards in the USA. Odds are, you have one of their cards in your wallet -- particularly if you have an "affinity" card with a team logo, University name, etc.

I would like to call on bloggers and anyone else in the progressive web community to urge anyone who cares about what happens in November, to cancel their MBNA accounts if they have any, and to tell MBNA why they are doing so -- because of the company's financial support of the Bush administration.

This is an easy slam-dunk guys. If you want to really piss them off, make a big donation to the DNC on your MBNA card right before you close it out.

I would be thrilled if some bloggers out there picked up this message. Look what we did to the RNC in Kentucky. Let's show MBNA how big our numbers are, and that we're not going to let our credit card payments be used to support Bush and his cronies again."

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